* DDA Streetscape-As it happens...

Minutes as published on the Tuscarora Township website - Most recent minutes at top of page

Proposed Minutes Subject to DDA Amendment/Correction
Meeting Minutes:    November 13, 2017
Roll Call:
·          Present:    D. Bodnar;  D. Nivelt;  M. Ridley; J. Breitbarth;  D. Friedriechsen; Dave Driskill.
·          Absent:     D. Vizina; D. Mallory; M. Saker
Approval of Current Meeting Agenda:
·          Motion to approve meeting minutes as amended for September regular meeting was made by D. Nivelt; supported by M. Ridley ;  all in favor.   Amended to include changes made to the October 5th meeting minutes.

Approval of October 2017 Meeting Minutes:
·          Motion to approve the regular meeting minutes of October 16, 2017 was made by M. Ridley; supported by D. Driskill; all in favor
·         Motion to approve October 24, 2017 special meeting was made by M. Ridley; supported by J. Breitbarth;  all in favor. 

Financials for September 2017:  Presented by D. Mallory, Treasurer
·         Deferred until December Meeting

New Business:
No new business for the month.

Unfinished Business:
·          Streetscape Project First Public Input Meeting  (Beckett&Raeder)

a)      Presentation given by Tim Knutsen.

Comments from Audience and Board included suggested goal of reducing overhead electrical lines;  Contiguous sideways on both sides of highway;  functional lighting;  wayfinding ideas;  low maintenance solutions.

·           Website Development Potential Project
D. Friedriechsen reminded Board members that they had received an emailed copy of a proposal for website development from Sheree Lincoln for potential consideration.

 D. Bodnar had spoken with Sue Fisher, Township Clerk who indicated that the Township website section for the DDA could be expanded.    The Board asked that D. Bodnar and D. Friedriechsen  work with S. Fisher to begin the process of the website DDA expansion through the township website.

·         Electric Car Charging Station

a)       D. Friedriechsen asked that the Board consider tabling this discussion as the streetscape project is now underway and assuming priority.  

·          Signage
1)       Snowmobile Signs
a)      Board asked M. Ridley to verify usage of 4x4 lumber; one sided or two sided; language of Zero Tolerance, usage of reflective aluminum and how many would be needed.
2)      Broken Street Signs (D. Nivelt)  Signs broken will need to be replaced (thought to be two signs) and other signs slated for repainting.  Not to exceed previously established budget. Spring Project.
·          Air North Presentation in October.   No motion made.
Tabled Items:
·          Business Loop  (July 2017)
·          Pathway Project Lights by School  (October 2017)
·          Electric Car Charging Station (November 2017)

Public Comment:
·           See Streetscape Project Comments.

      Board Comments:
·           See Streetscape Project Comments.  
     Motion to Adjourn:
A motion was made by at 8:35p to adjourn by D. Nivelt; supported by J. Breitbarth;  all in favor.   Next Meeting:   December 18, 2017, 7p


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